For latest info and announcements please visit:
Fridays 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Upcoming Events:
Registration starts Aug. 12, 2022
Semester starts Aug. 19, 2022
Register here
Make payment here
Please note: Registration without payment is not accepted.
Seats will be filled first come first server basis.
(text only) 480-442-4181
Download Parent-Student Handbook
Youth Halaqa Matters!
ICEV Friday Night Out (FNO), a nominally priced quality youth halaqa program to bring youth to stay connected with the masjid on a weekly basis.
Our wish is to see the Muslim Ummah working and functioning together side by side, and one way to accomplish this is to bring up our youth with healthy Islamic values.
Our cultural diversity is our strength. Our youth should be comfortable in an Islamic environment and starting early, In Shaa’ Allah, will bring them together.
By providing a healthy option for fun discussions, games, and social interactions, Muslim youth would be aligned to avoid gangs, violence, and any other activities prohibited in Islam so prevalent in society. If we can get our youth involved in the community in an interesting & fun setting, they will, In Shaa’ Allah, enjoy their way to becoming better Muslims.
Our community feels thankful to Allah (SWT) to have the Friday Night Out Youth Halaqa as a program where everyone is committed to provide valued Islamic discussions, lessons & activities for our youth.